Revision control, also known as version control or source control (and an aspect of software configuration management or SCM), is the management of changes to documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files. It is most commonly used in software development, where a team of people may change the same files. Changes are usually identified by a number or letter code, termed the "revision number", "revision level", or simply "revision". For example, an initial set of files is "revision 1". When the first change is made, the resulting set is "revision 2", and so on. Each revision is associated with a timestamp and the person making the change. Revisions can be compared, restored, and with some types of files, merged.

Version control systems (VCSs – singular VCS) most commonly run as stand-alone applications, but revision control is also embedded in various types of software such as word processors, spreadsheets, and in various content management systems (e.g., Drupal, Joomla, WordPress). Integrated revision control is a key feature of wiki software packages such as MediaWiki, DokuWiki, TWiki etc. In wikis, revision control allows for the ability to revert a page to a previous revision, which is critical for allowing editors to track each other's edits, correct mistakes, and defend public wikis against vandalism and spam.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a continuous process of managing the life of an application through governance, development and maintenance. ALM is the marriage of business management to software engineering made possible by tools that facilitate and integrate requirements management, architecture, coding, testing, tracking, and release management.


Internet, smart mobile phones or similar technological devices increase the satisfaction and quality of life of users because it increases the feeling of freedom and control over their own lives, sometimes even more than income. Some early thoughts based on information and communication technologies and their users are myths.

ICT is seen almost exclusively through the prism of increasing productivity and earnings, and is considered to be a bad influence on the quality of life, so that we isolate from society and push apart.

The reality is significantly different, according to a British research institute of The Chartered Institute for IT titled Why it makes you happier, which was conducted and published in 39 countries ( The conclusion is that research in the UK and around the world, ICT has become an important part of life satisfaction and sense of well being, and in some cases perhaps even more important than income levels.


Long hours at the new summer job? Feeling unprofessional when you check your Facebook profile at the office?

Well there's nothing more professional than a nice spreadsheet. Sign in with Facebook below, and see your news feed rendered into an innocuous corporate form.

See your Facebook feed rendered into an excel sheet! You have links to load new posts, as well as to view your wall and recently tagged photos. Hover over comments, likes, names, and links to see more information.

Bosskey! Press space at any time to get back to business ;) Hovering over comments and likes shows your more information.

Hovering over names, photos, videos and links gives you thumbnail previews!

And don't forget: you can search for friends through the formula bar!



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