Although Scrum has been around for more than 21 years, and is practiced by more than an estimated 18 million people around the world, we are always learning. Over the years, many myths about Scrum have surfaced; some of which may lead your team astray.

In this 1-hour interactive webinar, it is covered:

  • Common myths and misconceptions about Scrum
  • The Scrum framework according to the Scrum Guide
  • How to implement Scrum concepts using Axosoft
  • You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how to achieve your Scrum team’s objectives using leading tools and trusted resources.

Agile and Scrum Masterclass:

Download NEW Scrum Guide 2020.

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We'll compare characteristics of Plan Driven and Agile Software Development so that we know where these things came from and what we can expect out of them. What we ultimately came to understand as Plan Driven or Waterfall Software Development originated with the 1979 IEEE paper from Winston Royce "Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.

The idea of Waterfall was that one phase wouldn't begin until the previous was complete. However, if your team moves from coding phase to testing phase then things will have implications back in the development phase (so we found a bug, he'll fix it).

Another very interesting thing the longer the project goes on, the more the design is going to be understood and fleshed out. Therefore, you can never design a system in the beginning and understand it all the way through to its completion. The design of a system will evolve the more we understand the better requirements.


Software development teams are focused on delivering pieces of a product. The last thing most of them want to do is be in meetings. One thing that's going to take them away from doing that is being in a meeting. So what scrum does really well is provide the minimum set of meetings necessary.

All events are timed boxed events that are such that every event has a maximum duration depenting on sprint duration:


The term "System Development Life Cycle" or SDLC' is a standard industry term used in systems engineering, information systems, and software engineering to describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.

Each of the phases has a series of events or steps that are completed in order to arrive at the final product. It comprises 5 phases:



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