Open-source application from Microsoft Application Inspector is a source code analyzer built for surfacing features of interest and other characteristics to answer the question 'what's in it' using static analysis with a JSON based rules engine.

Ideal for scanning components before use or detecting feature-level changes.

Application Inspector's primary objective is to identify source-code features in a systematic and scalable way not found elsewhere in typical static analyzers. This enables developer and security professionals to validate purported component objectives, eg, a string padding library only does what it says," Microsoft explains in a wiki

Application Inspector produces a browser-based report that summarizes the major characteristics identified, including application frameworks, cloud interfaces, cryptography, sensitive data like access keys, personally identifiable information, operating system functions, and security features.


In 1965, a psychologist named Bruce Tuckman said that teams go through 5 stages of development:

  1. forming,
  2. storming,
  3. norming,
  4. performing and
  5. adjourning.

The stages start from the time that a group first meets until the project ends. Tuckman didn’t just have a knack for rhyming. (Although, it does make the stages easier to remember.) Each is aptly named and plays a vital part in building a high-functioning team.


One of the main responsibilities of the Product Owner is managing the product backlog. It’s a team effort to refine the backlog, but the Product Owner is the one responsible for prioritising the backlog. This is a challenging job. Product Owners who are new in their role think the backlog only contains user stories for new features. But they soon find out this is only a part of the backlog. But what are the other parts? And how to find the right balance between them? This is where the ‘backlog prioritisation quadrant’ shows its value.

The backlog prioritisation quadrant is shown in the picture below.

The quadrant divides the backlog in new features, architectural innovation, support and technical debt.


Paper was written by Professional Scrum Trainer Barry Overeem. According to the Scrum Guide, Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex problems, and productively and creatively develop products of the highest possible value. It’s a tool organizations can use to increase their agility.

Within Scrum self-organizing, cross-functional, and highly productive teams do the work: creating valuable releasable product increments. Scrum offers a framework that catalyzes the teams learning through discovery, collaboration and experimentation.

A great Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner who maximizes value, a Scrum Master who enables continuous improvement and a Development Team who focuses on delivering high quality product increments. For sure this sounds great!

But what are the characteristics of such a great Scrum Team?


In first attempt at attaining agility, Intralinks took a well-intentioned "mechanical" implementation of Scrum - done in good faith and with lots of hard work - but failed to deliver against their goal of greater agility.

So, they took on a "Scrum Reboot" and succeeded by augmenting the mechanics of Scrum with the fundamental idea of inspection and adaptation and the Scrum Values of Courage, Focus, Openness, Respect and Commitment.

These provided the cultural environment necessary for success. Look at this Case Study:



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