In today’s interconnected world, many websites and services adjust their prices based on the user's location.

By changing your apparent location, you can often access the same services at much lower rates.

This practice, known as price discrimination, affects everything from airline tickets and hotel bookings to digital services like YouTube Premium.

This example highlights the significant price disparity for the same service across different regions:


It's getting harder and harder to speak your mind in the U.S., UK, and EU.

These days, people are trying to shut down everything from art exhibits to books and YouTube shows. And it's not just happening in a few places – it's happening all over these countries and beyond.

Experts are worried that this is a big problem for democracy. They say that we need to be able to have open and honest discussions about important issues, even if we don't agree. Otherwise, we risk losing our freedom of speech.

In today's digital age, free speech and the free flow of information are more important than ever.


Litijum brzo postaje jedan od najvažnijih elemenata u našem savremenom svijetu. Sa povećanjem potražnje za električnim vozilima i skladištenjem obnovljive energije, potreba za rudarenjem litijuma je na rekordnom nivou.

Međutim, eksploatacija litijuma (konkretno u Srbiji) nosi značajne ekološke i socijalne brige koje se moraju riješiti kako bi se osigurale održive i odgovorne prakse rudarstva. Da bismo uspostavili jasno razumijevanje procesa, važno je istražiti ključne principe koji bi trebali voditi operacijama rudarstva litijuma.



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