
Slavna glumica Monika Beluči prije odlaska na filmski festival Kustendorf posjetiće u subotu Banjaluku.

Monika Beluči biće gost ovogodišnjeg festivala Kustendorf, a osim posjete Andrićgradu, prije odlaska u Drvengrad posjetiće i grad na Vrbasu.

Kako saznaje MONDO prelijepa glumica u subotu će avionom doputovati na aerodrom u Mahovljanima, a zatim će doći u Banjaluku gdje bi se trebala susresti sa predsjednikom Republike Srpske, Miloradom Dodikom.


Project management plan

A good--or bad--project manager can make the difference between a project coming in on time and on budget and it is a failure. How can you spot a good project manager? talked to experts and IT executives to find out.

CIO — Just because someone has the title of "project manager" does not mean he knows how to effectively manage projects, as many CIOs and other IT executives have learned the hard way.

So how can you tell a good project manager from a bad one? surveyed project management experts and executives to learn what skills are required to successfully manage projects--that is, to ensure that projects are kept on track and stay on budget.
Here are seven skills project managers need in order to be effective and successful:



The vast majority of business websites out there tend to stay laser-focused on their goals. Whether they’re intended to sell a product or generate leads, it seems that all of the content placed on their websites works towards this end. While there’s something that can be said about the strategy, changes at Google, Bing, and social media sites makes it beneficial to post content that does nothing more than educate, entertain, or act as a resource for people without attempting to sell or generate a lead.

If you want to truly get ahead of your competitors this year, you should be willing to devote a little bit of time (or money if you choose to buy it) every month on content.

This isn’t the type of content designed to get ranked in the search engines, but it can help your important pages get ranked. It’s not the kind of content that will generate leads through social media, though you have opportunities every time someone lands on your site. It’s the type of content that is truly giving – you’re motives should be business-oriented but the content should be able to stand alone.



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Ukoliko nađete da Vam je posjeta ovom portalu bila koristila u bilo kom pogledu, razmislite o tome da mi platite kafu kako biste podržali moj rad.
