Scrum Certification Tips, Tricks, and Scrum Exam Preparation Questions

Isn't it frustrating that you fail the Scrum certification again and again?

So, if you are looking for Scrum certification quick tips, you are at the right place.

Hi everyone, my name is Dejan. I am a Product Owner, Scrum Master, Agile coach, and Trainer of trainers.

I will present to you my recommendation on Scrum certification, which Certification body is best for you to choose, and how to pass the examination - the easy way.

1. Scrum Certification Tips and Tricks ($50 value)

  1. Scrum Certification Tips and Trick INTRO
  2. Which Scrum Certification Body Should You Choose
  3. General details about Scrum Alliance Certifications
  4. Tips and Learning path for self-preparation
  5. General Details about Certifications
  6. Introduction to Scrum Certification
  7. 100 Carefully Selected Questions and Answers for Scrum Certification
  8. Final Words

2. BONUS Course – Learn Scrum in 30 minutes ($50 value)

  1. Course Intro
  2. Agile Market Share
  3. How Scrum Works?
  4. Scrum Artifacts
  5. The 5 Scrum Values
  6. What is Scrum Team – Scrum Roles?
  7. Product Vision, Product Goal, Sprint Goal
  8. The 5 Scrum Events
  9. The Three Pillars of Empiricism in Scrum
  10. Why Scrum Works?
  11. Where Scrum Can Be Used?
  12. Benefits of Scrum
  13. Your next steps in the Scrum Journey!
  14. Key Takeaways
  15. Final Words

3. RESOURCE SECTION ($20 value)

  1. Scrum Guide 2020.pdf
  2. The Scrum Guide 2020 Video Guide.mp4
  3. The Scrum Guide 2020 Audio Guide.mp3
  4. The Evidence-Based Management Guide 2020.pdf
  5. Scrum Nexus Guide 2021.pdf


The Scrum Certification Tips and Tricks Course is an integral component of the Agile and Scrum Senior Program. It aims to assist Scrum learners in discovering and evaluating world-class Scrum resources, thereby minimizing the likelihood of failing the official Scrum Assessment.

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