In a world where challenges seem to mount higher each day, where stress and adversity knock at our doors relentlessly, it's time to fortify ourselves with resilience – and we've curated an event that arms you with the tools to do just that.

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey alongside 6 distinguished experts and bestselling authors. Over 5 enriching days, immerse yourself in invaluable conversations and practical strategies to cultivate resilient well-being amidst life's turbulence.

What to expect:

  1. Strengthen your body's defenses against stress, right down to your DNA, with insights from Elissa Epel, Ph.D.
  2. Dive deep into mindfulness and self-compassion practices with the renowned Kristin Neff, Ph.D., to nurture your inner core.
  3. Gain crucial insights from Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., on addressing childhood adversity and its lifelong impacts on health.
  4. Navigate the path of recovering from loss and trauma with the guidance of Peter Levine, Ph.D.
  5. Discover the profound strength found in relationships with insights from Shawn Achor, M.A.

Each day unfolds with an hour-long conversation between Rick Hanson and a distinguished expert, equipping you with the tools to:

  1. Protect your body from stress
  2. Develop mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion
  3. Cultivate determination, confidence, and courage
  4. Understand childhood adversity and strategies for healing
  5. Overcome trauma and loss
  6. Enhance effectiveness in relationships and at work
  7. Hardwire inner resources like self-worth, calm, and forgiveness into your nervous system

But that's not all!

Alongside these illuminating discussions, you'll receive additional resources including guided experiential practices, and videos, to deepen your understanding and practice.

Join us for this unparalleled opportunity to empower yourself with resilience, navigate life's challenges gracefully, and emerge stronger than ever.

The 5-Day Resilience Summit Replay awaits – secure your spot now and embark on a transformation journey!



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