The term "System Development Life Cycle" or SDLC' is a standard industry term used in systems engineering, information systems, and software engineering to describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.

Each of the phases has a series of events or steps that are completed in order to arrive at the final product. It comprises 5 phases:

We are talking about 6 GPU Ethereum Mining Rig Guide / Low Budget. Ethereum mining is profitable these days many people are using ethereum for mining but there is some huge investment in start-ups, so what you need is a detailed guide about cheap ethereum mining rigs with less budget. Once this rig is fully assembled and configured properly, it is capable of generating around 9,000$ yearly, and if you live in the Republic of Srpska, because of cheaper electric power costs, maybe even more.

Let's get started with step number 1...

From May 14 – 16, 2019 I attended workshop "Meeting the Challenges of Big Tax Data and Analytics" that is held in Center of Excellence in Finance - CEF, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


  1. Big Data and Data Warehousing and Analytics
    1. What are the preconditions to start such a project?
    2. Possible approaches for start
    3. Some insights from an IT perspective
  2. Data mining application issues in income indicators audits - Experience from Italy
  3. Analytics and How We Build Capability on Analytics
    1. Experience from The Norwegian Tax Administration
  4. Digitalization – from paper to smart applications
  5. Predictive Models in Risk Assessment
    1. Use of AI in The Norwegian Tax Administration
  6. Use of Big Data - Introduction of the Progressive Personal Income Tax in 2018
    1. Experience from Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia
  7. Use of Big Data – Design of the Measure for Support for Wage Increase in 2018
    1. Experience from Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia

More details of this workshop you can find here: 

The first stop for Estonia e-Residents service could be our site You can find basic information and contacts on establishing a company and possibilities to use e-residency smart card.

Private Limited Company (OÜ or Osaühing in Estonian) is the most popular type of business entity set up by foreigners in Estonia. This type of business has a minimum share capital requirement of € 2,500, which does not necessarily have to be transferred before beginning operations with the company. You can also use the share capital once it’s been transferred to the company’s bank account, for business activities.

In this case, the process would be as follows:

Now that you already know about the best Bitcoin mining hardware, we’re going to talk about Bitcoin mining software.

What is Bitcoin Mining Software?

Bitcoin mining hardware handles the actual Bitcoin mining process, but, Bitcoin mining software is equally as important.

  • If you are a solo miner: the mining software connects your Bitcoin miner to the blockchain.
  • If you mine with a pool: the software will connect you to your mining pool.
  • If you are cloud mining: you do not need mining software.

software testing

Recently, software glitches have increasingly affected the average consumer – at airports, or with online banking. Often, we hear that the software wasn’t properly tested. But what does this mean exactly?

Every now and then, really spectacular software breakdowns occur. The opening of Heathrow Terminal 5 became a public embarrassment because the baggage system failed to function. More than 17 million customer accounts at RBS and its subsidiaries NatWest and Ulster Bank could be accessed for some or all of the day because the installation of customer management software corrupted the entire system. One of the biggest Austrian banks paid out €21 million to appease its customers with vouchers because the new online banking software didn’t work for days on end.

Errors like these are not only damaging to a company’s brand, but can also be very costly. The goal of software testing is to avoid such incidents and the consequences. On the following pages, we explore the topic of software testing and address these main questions:

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness.

Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands have the most advanced digital economies in the EU followed by Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK and Ireland. Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy have the lowest scores on the DESI.

In 2016, all Member States improved on the DESI. Slovakia and Slovenia progressed the most (more than 0.04 as opposed to an EU average of 0.028). On the other hand, there was low increase in Portugal, Latvia and Germany (below 0.02).

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Cryptocurrency exchanges shut down amid heavy trading, roller coaster Bitcoin Cryptocurrency exchanges shut down amid heavy trading, roller coaster Bitcoin 

Articles in the Serbian Language

PI je prva digitalna valuta koju možete iskopati na telefonu 

Najčešći tipovi prevara pri investiranju u virtuelne value (bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum...) 

Nestašica grafičkih kartica zbog rudarenja kriptovaluta 

Da ste prije 7 godina uložili 100 USD u Bitcoin, danas bi imali 83 miliona USD 

If you want to PROMOTE your link in this article, please let me know.

Bitcoin has been flying high lately, making many investors overnight millionaires—investors who poured money into the digital currency when it was trading at a tiny fraction of its current price. And it will make more millionaires, as it could reach for new highs before coming back down to earth.

Fund 12-month performance
SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) 12%
Bitcoin Investment Trust Shares (GBTC) 800%

Source: 6/6/2017

There are a few good reasons for Bitcoin to do so. First of all, there’s the ultra-low interest rate environment, which makes the Bitcoin “carry trade,” an appealing proposition.

You can take your exams online from home or office for ITIL Foundation v.3 through specialized software and with rigorous conditions.

After I passed the ITIL Foundation V.3 exam and received a certificate, I combine entire literature that I have painstakingly collected for passing the ITIL V.3 Foundation exam and provide that available for you.

The materials for the preparation of ITIL Foundation V.3 exam consists of the following:

  • Folder with issues of heat (minor 120 questions with answers in English)
  • Folder with issues of exercise (180 more difficult questions and answers in English)
  • Folder with issues of assessment (757 questions with answers in English)
  • Professional literature:
    • Introduction to ITIL Foundation v.3 in English language
    • ITIL Foundation v.3. - Strategy service in English language
    • Guide to ITIL 2011 Foundation v.3 Certification in English language
    • ITIL® 2011 - The big picture scheme in English language and
    • ITIL Foundation v.3. - presentation in Serbian language

failing as a manager

I was an HR leader for eons.

I spent a lot of time talking with managers about their “people issues.”

There are always “people issues” in any organization. It takes patience and empathy to work through them. Managers and their employees don’t always see things the same way and it’s helpful to have a sounding board to brainstorm with when communication breaks down.

I always told my fellow managers that I would be happy to help them think through their “people issues” as long as we came to an understanding about one thing.

I said:

I will brainstorm with you about your challenges with one of your employees who is frustrating you right now. We only need to agree as we begin the conversation that our focus is on figuring out what’s not working and solving it, versus disciplining the employee or putting them on probation. If we can agree on that, we can come up with lots of good ideas.


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