AI will not replace humans in the workforce. Human augmentation (machines helping humans) will lead to new, fast and smart ways of working.

Humans will also be needed to improve the performance of intelligent technologies as well as take on other higher value and interpersonal responsibilities which machines are incapable of doing (e.g. creativity, improvisation, dexterity, judging, social & leadership skills, etc).

Machines are really good at repetition, speed & prediction which is where we can benefit from their strengths!

The full promise of AI depends on humans and machines working collaboratively (the collaborative intelligence) to develop differentiated customer experiences and create entirely new products, services and markets.

That is the real opportunity of AI. So lets start from the beggining.



Part 4: Journey of Artificial Intelligence: Infographic:

Part 5: Behind the scenes of Artificial Intelligence Sense

Part 6: Considerations of Artificial Intelligence

Part 7: Industry Insight: Retail, Banking and Healthcare

Part 8: Industry Insight: Agriculture

Part 9: Industry Insight: Transportation

Part 10: Industry Insight: Public Sector

Part 11: Industry Insight Manufacturing

Part 12: Reimagine work

Part 13: Roles cluster

NOTE: If you would like to PROMOTE link in this article, please let me know.

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