In this video, I want to share my story about how I discovered Scrum and how it all started for me.

I will also provide you with free Scrum resources.

✅ Free access to 30 minutes Scrum course + the Scrum Guide 2020. Send an email to agileandscrummasterclass (at) (SUBJECT: 30 minutes Scrum Course and Scrum Guide), and I will send it to you immediately.

00:00 - How did I discover Scrum?
01:03 - 5 horror disadvantages of the Waterfall methodology
02:55 - Scrum Framework provides
05:07 - How did it all start for me?
07:25 - Why did I decide to teach Scrum?
10:42 - If you're brand new to Scrum, listen to this...
13:22 - 30 minutes Free Scrum course

🔥 Agile and Scrum Masterclass is The First and Only Course, That Tells You Exactly, How to Start Scrum Career: 
💸 If you are happy with this video, Buy a Coffee for Dejan: 
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#scrum #how #howto


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