Pivo is like a cameraman, just way better! Pivo makes your smartphone smarter.

Pivo is excellent for YouTube and TikTok.

Pivo Features:

  1. AUTO TRACKING 1 Ready, set, motion track Smart Tracking. Wherever you go, Pivo follows. Smart Tracking always keeps you in view, so you'll never walk off-screen and ruin another almost-perfect take again. Works in both portrait and landscape mode.
  2. AUTO TRACKING 2 Ready, steady, motion track Action Tracking. Select your target and let Pivo do the rest so you never miss out on the action.
  3. AUTO TRACKING 3 Hold your horses! Horse Tracking. Four different tracking speeds to record every ride without missing a trot.
  4. CONNECT Link to all platforms Love Face Tracking, but want to use it with another app? No worries. Now you can use Pivo's Face Tracking to level up your creations in any other app.
  5. VIDEO CALL Move and groove while you call Show 'em every move. Bring Auto Tracking to your video calls with Pivo Meet.
  6. SMART CAPTURE Picture perfect on the move Take selfies and videos with the snap of a finger, striking a pose, or by simply saying "cheese."
  7. MANY ME Me, myself, and me Multiply yourself up to 15 times in the same picture or video. Be as many different versions of you as you want to be!
  8. MAGIC EDGE Jump into a new dimension Step into your creative side with an extra edge. Then, add more "wow factor" with customized Pivo stickers or creations of your own.
  9. CLONE TRAIL Multiply yourself on the move Simply take a video and let Pivo do the cloning magic so you can blow everyone's mind with this instant clone trail made right on your phone. Unleash your creativity Give it your all and make the unimaginable with easy-to-use Quick Create modes.

Get PIVO here: http://bit.ly/pivo-smart

#pivo #tiktok #youtube

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