What to Do in a Daily Scrum?

  • Stick to the Timebox: Keep the Daily Scrum within the timebox of 15 minutes. This ensures that the meeting stays focused and doesn't disrupt the team's workflow.
    Example: "Let's start the Daily Scrum. We have 15 minutes, so please keep your updates concise."
  • Share Progress: Each team member should briefly share what they accomplished yesterday, what they plan to do today, and if they have any blockers.
    Example: "Yesterday, I completed the login feature. Today, I'll start working on the user profile page. I don't have any blockers."
  • Focus on Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and problem-solving during the Daily Scrum. If someone mentions a blocker, offer assistance or suggest ways to overcome it.
    Example: "I noticed you mentioned a blocker with the API integration. I can help troubleshoot that after the meeting if needed."
  • Update the Sprint Board: Use the Daily Scrum to update the sprint board or task board. This helps visualize progress and keeps everyone informed about the status of tasks.
    Example: "After the meeting, I'll move the completed tasks to 'Done' and update the remaining tasks on the sprint board."
  • Stay Engaged: Actively listen to your team members' updates and ask clarifying questions if needed. Engage in discussions that arise but avoid going off-topic.
    Example: "Could you clarify the dependencies for the task you're working on? I want to make sure we're aligned."

What Not to Do in a Daily Scrum?

  • Monopolize the Conversation: Avoid monopolizing the conversation or going into excessive detail about your tasks. Keep your updates brief to allow time for others to speak.
    Example: "I worked on this feature for eight hours yesterday, and I encountered these five issues..."
  • Problem-Solving Discussions: While it's essential to address blockers, avoid lengthy problem-solving discussions during the Daily Scrum. Save detailed discussions for separate meetings if necessary.
    Example: "Let's discuss the architecture for this new module in detail right now."
  • Latecomers: Discourage team members from arriving late to the Daily Scrum, as it disrupts the flow of the meeting and wastes time.
    Example: "We've started the Daily Scrum, please join quietly and catch up later."
  • Lack of Focus: Keep the meeting focused on the updates and goals for the day. Avoid discussing unrelated topics or getting sidetracked.
    Example: "Let's table the discussion about the upcoming team event for now and focus on our work updates."
  • Blaming or Finger-Pointing: Maintain a positive and constructive atmosphere during the Daily Scrum. Avoid blaming or criticizing team members for issues or setbacks.
    Example: "We encountered a setback with the API integration, but let's work together to resolve it."

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