Public-Private Partnership

Issues within the field of public-private partnerships, such as subject, principles, methods, forms and conditions under which a public-private partnership can be achieved as a way of joining resources, capital and expert know-how for the purpose of construction, repair, and maintenance of infrastructure, are regulated by The Law on Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Srpska („Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska“, number 59/09), while the procedures in the realization of projects of public-private partnerships are regulated by Regulation of the Procedure sin the Realization of Public-Private Partnerships in the Republic of Srpska („Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska“, number 104/09).

For the purpose of removing possible administrative barriers, and reviving business environment as well as of providing incentive to attract foreign and domestic investors, new amendments to the existing law have been proposed and the following law has been passed Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Partnership in the Republic of Srpska (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska “, number 63/11). Proposed amendments to the Law make the procedures in the realization of projects of public-private partnership simpler and shorter. The Government of the Republic of Srpska, at its meeting held on 14 June 2012, adopted Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedure of Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects in the Republic of Srpska. More information on public-private partnership in the Republic of Srpska can be found in this document.


Requirements and procedures for selling and transferring public capital in companies, owned by the Republic of Srpska, to the property of local and foreign natural and legal persons are defined by the Law on Privatization of the State Capital in Companies of the Republic of Srpska and by other bylaws (more about the regulation
Authorized seller of the state-owned capital is the Investment-Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska a.d. Banja Luka. Foreign persons may, under the same conditions as domestic persons, take part in the procedure for the privatization of the state-owned capital in companies.
Database on privatization – link

  • List of non-privatized companies
  • Overview of the results of privatization

Business Zones

Republic of Srpska has recognized the significance of business zones as an element of local economic development. The Law on Amendments to the Law on Incentives for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska“, number 119/08) in Article 40 defines the business zone:

“Business zones are a form of business infrastructure which includes buildings and utilities, intended for a well coordinated and planned usage by a large number of companies and entrepreneurs, whereby planned and coordinated approach enables usage of shared space, utilities, administrative, financial, technical and other facilities, thus reducing the operating costs“.

Strategic orientation of the Republic of Srpska is presented in the document Action Plan for the Support to Establishing and Developing Business Zones in the Republic of Srpska 2009-2013 and Strategy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development in the Republic of Srpska 2011-2013.

Potential locations for business zones in the Republic of Srpska have been mapped. The map includes municipalities and cities of the Republic of Srpska which have shown interest in building business zones in 117 locations. Of those, 57 locations have been assessed as having potential and they are situated in 39 municipalities. Criteria for selection include the proximity of market, because a zone should be seen as a product for which there must be demand, proximity of roads, railroads, airports, and universities.

Currently there are the following business zones in the Republic of Srpska: Business zone Poljavnice Novi Grad, Aleksandrovac Laktasi, Lipova greda Kozarska Dubica, Industrijska zona Derventa, Poslovna zona Nevesinje, Poslovne zone Pale, Poslovna zona Roteks Rogatica, Poslovna zona Samac, Zone Petrovo, Zone Bijeljina, Jadar Zvornik, Volujac Trebinje.
More information about business zones can be found at


Concessions in the Republic of Srpska are regulated by the Law on Concessions ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", number 25/02, 91/06, 92/09). This Law provides a transparent and widely available, non-discriminatory, clear legal framework which determines the requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for domestic and foreign legal persons to be granted concessions in the Republic of Srpska.

For the purpose of granting concessions, Commission for Concessions of the Republic of Srpska has been formed as a standing, independent regulatory legal body.
Complete legal regulations, as well as more information, are available on the web page of the Commission for Concessions of the Republic of Srpska

Investment Projects Database

Investment projects database provides an overview of concrete potential investment projects gathered in one place and available to potential investors.
Local communities as well as private persons have the opportunity to propose their investment projects on the commercial basis to the Ministry for Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation, by completing the following Form.
You can see municipal project summaries in this document.


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