• Many reforms of business start-up process in the Republic of Srpska over the past few years were aimed at creation of most favorable business environment. The outcomes are evident and activities on this task are continuous
  • Specialized commercial courts have been established to facilitate company registration procedures
  • Companies with foreign investments are subject to equal registration treatment as local companies
  • Local partner is not necessary for business start-up
  • RS Law on Companies (RS Official Gazette, no. 127/08, 58/09 and 100/11) governs establishment, operation and termination of operation of companies in the Republic of Srpska.

In the sense of the above Law, a company may have one of the following legal forms: general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company or (open or closed) joint stock company.

Most frequent way of starting a company is establishment of a limited liability company. Details about the procedure for company establishment are available below.

Business Start-Up (Company Registration) from Majkic.net