In the Republic of Srpska existent when it comes to the position of foreign investors, many liberal legal framework for foreign direct investment. This framework offers foreign investors a number of rights and benefits in the business. In fact, foreign investors with national treatment, that is, the rights and obligations are tied with local businesses.

Foreign investments are regulated by the Law on Foreign Investments of the Republic of Srpska and the Law on Foreign Direct Investment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to the Law on Foreign Investments of the Republic of Srpska are the following types of investments:

  • establishment of legal entities in total ownership of foreign investors,
  • establishing a legal entity in the joint ownership of domestic and foreign investors,
  • investment in the existing legal entity,
  • Particular forms of investment (concession, B.O.T. contracts ...).

The registration procedure of foreign investments:

To foreign investment registered, it is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit the following documents:

  • application for registration of foreign investment,
  • document confirming the identity of foreign investors who may not be older than 6 months as follows: if investors are foreign legal entities, then submitted a certified copy of a court or other appropriate registry in the country of origin (document verification is carried out in the country of origin by notary and must be translated by a certified court interpreter in Bosnia and Herzegovina), if the investors are foreign individuals, then submit a certified copy of passport (passport verification can be done in Bosnia and must be translated by an authorized court interpreter in BiH).
  • document confirming the status of an authorized representative for the registration of business enterprises, if the registration does not carry out their own founders (representative who does business registration shall be authorized to sign the founding documents),
  • a certified copy of the act establishing the company,
  • proof of payment of fees for registration (55,00 KM 5.00 KM).

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, shall, within 10 working days of the request submitted properly, confirm that a foreign investment registered.
All other procedures are the same as for domestic founders, as shown in the "process of establishing a limited liability company.

Please note that foreign investments registered with the competent ministries after the adoption of the act establishing the company, and prior registration with the court.


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