Paper was written by Professional Scrum Trainer Barry Overeem. According to the Scrum Guide, Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex problems, and productively and creatively develop products of the highest possible value. It’s a tool organizations can use to increase their agility.

Within Scrum self-organizing, cross-functional, and highly productive teams do the work: creating valuable releasable product increments. Scrum offers a framework that catalyzes the teams learning through discovery, collaboration and experimentation.

A great Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner who maximizes value, a Scrum Master who enables continuous improvement and a Development Team who focuses on delivering high quality product increments. For sure this sounds great!

But what are the characteristics of such a great Scrum Team?

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If you want to learn more about Scrum and Agile software development then this Agile Masterclass: Scrum for Product Owner and Scrum Master is the perfect thing for you:

Download NEW Scrum Guide 2020.


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