twitter marketing tools and software

The majority of social media management tools are made specifically for Twitter or include Twitter along with other social networks. The following are just a sample of tools that can help you grow your audience, manage your status updates, monitor your brand, and measure your results:

Followerwonk – Followerwonk (mentioned earlier) will help you find people to connect with on Twitter based on keywords in their bio and location. You can sort or filter results by the number of followers, the number they are following, and tweets (along with their authority score).

HootSuite – HootSuite allows you to manage your Twitter profiles (along with other social networks including Google+ pages) all in one place. With their tabs and column layout, you easily can monitor a variety of Twitter searches for people talking about your industry, people talking about your brand, Twitter lists, mentions, direct messages, and your home screen.

Buffer – Buffer allows you to schedule updates for your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles. Simply create a schedule for when you would like your updates to go out and add the updates to your Buffer. Then Buffer will send them out to your selected accounts in the time slots you allotted. Best of all, you’ll get great analytics about each message you send to your Twitter accounts showing the number of retweets, replies, favorites, and estimated reach. This can help you determine the best times to tweet and the topics that get the most engagement from your audience. – helps you discover the most valuable members of your Twitter community by categorizing brand advocates, influencers, and supporters. You can see your engagement history with anyone on Twitter, including a summary of the number of times they’ve engaged with you vs. the number of times you’ve engaged with them. It also can help you find people whose interests match those of your business.

Nestivity – Nestivity helps you turn tweets into threaded, manageable discussions so you can have rich conversations with your followers without losing track of them in the noise. The more discussions you have through Nestivity, the more you will see your Klout increase, as many people will reply to your discussions with your @username.

Twitter Grader – Get a quick, free analysis of your Twitter profile using this tool from HubSpot. Also, don’t miss the Twitter Elite lists by location.

Tweet Chat – Another great reputation and Klout booster is participating in Twitter chats. Tweet Chat allows you to easily monitor and jump into the chat.

Social Media Tracker - Free Social Media Analytics Tools to Monitor Your Brand and Competitors. BrandMentions has become an indispensable tool for measuring the success of our marketing campaigns. It has a clean dashboard and app, with useful features. 

There are, of course, many other Twitter tools out there.

With some of these tools, you should have a great Twitter profile and be well on your way to building a targeted Twitter following, engaging with your audience, managing your account with terrific tools, and seeing the results of your Twitter activity. What else would you like to know about Twitter marketing? Please ask your questions in the comments and share your own great Twitter tips, tools, and resources.

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