Training and courses

  • 9th March 2017  Seminar: Facebook and Instagram PRO, Zagreb,  Croatia, Organizer: Milan Maglov
  • 15.12.2014. Workshop: "Strategies to Transform Ageing IT Systems", Organizer: Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA) - Budapest - Hungary
  •  28.03.2014. Workshop: "BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS", Organizer: Center for Education "PROEDUCA" Trainer: Robert Licen (Certificate),
  • 11.11.-22.11.13. Course: Chief Information Officer Programme on the Strategic Management of IT Organizer: Singapore e-Government Leadership Centre : National University of Singapore (2 Certificates),
  • 06.11.2013. Course: Change and crisis management Organizer: Center for Education "PROEDUCA" Trainer: Robert Licen (Certificate),
  • 15/05/2013. Participation in the business forum "Family business" Organizer: Center for Education "PROEDUCA" Content Forum and Lecturers: Leonardo Peklar - Key challenges for family businesses, Bojan Radun, Nectar company, PhD Andrej Grubisic - Sale or further investment in the family business, MA Natalija Pekic - Engagement of external managers in family businesses, MA Rober Ličen - What managers of family businesses should do in times of crisis and recession. (Certificate),
  • 06/27/11 to 07/01/11 Name of the training: Developing web applications using Oracle XE and Apex Technologies Content: Understanding the Oracle XE and Oracle Apex concept, Installing Oracle XE, Oracle APEX and Oracle Client 10g - Enterprise Manager, Presentation of the components of Oracle Apex 4.0, Interaction with Oracle XE database using Oracle Enterprise Manager, Working with Oracle attributes (tables, views, triggers, etc.), Importing database schema, Creating a Workspace and Workspace administrator's orders, Developing Web applications using Oracle Apex tools, create interactive report for displaying data, Creating the application form, working with pages and regions, adding elements (items, buttons, LOV’s, etc.) on site, Validation of data, work with customer orders, Security and defining access rights to certain parts of the application, depending on user privileges, developing authorization Schema, Backup the database and applications, restore the database and applications. Trainer: Predrag Nagraisalovic (Certificate),
  • November 15 to November 17, 2010. Name of training: Linux & FOSS Content: virtualization, emulation, Hipervituelizacija (VMWare, Xen, virtual box), the Linux operating system distributions, install Linux, Introduction to GNOME, Introduction to Linux commands, user accounts, property relations and rights of access, SSH, Remote administration, Webmin, Istal. and Config. Mysql-server, Apache web server, distance learning, distance education, distance learning system Moodle, Joomla. Lecturer: Njegoš Railić BA. Ing. (Certificate),
  • 23.06.-24.06.10. Name of training: Training on performance management in the Government of the Republic of Srpska. Content: The importance of performance management in public administration, the purpose and object of evaluation, operations Describing jobs and work goals, methodological difficulties in the evaluation process, talk about the rating and ranking methods, the ranking of performance, methods of overcoming subjectivity ...Speakers: Adérito Alain Sanches, Alexander Rebranović. (Certificate),
  • 19.05.-21.05.10. Name of training: Web services, security, Web applications and Web services, and PKI. Content: PKI (WEB SERVICES: Business Integration, SOA, Styles, development and consumption. WEB APPLICATION SECURITY: Attacks on web applications, SQL Injection, XSS attacks. PKI: symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algoritimi, hashing functions, digital signatures, digital certificates and PKI), Lecturer: PhD Zoran Djuric (Certificate),
  • June 10 to June 14, 2009. Training for administrators of the Information System for human resources management in administrative bodies (HRMIS) (developer, self services, portal, exams) Technologica - Bulgaria Speakers: Almir Numanovic, Slavica Stojna (Certificate),
  • October 9 to October 17, 2008. Training for IT human resource management in administrative bodies (HRMIS) - All modules (Personnel, structure, assessment, training, leave, professional examination, Self Service) - Technologic - Bulgaria - Speakers: Almir Numanovic, Slavica Stojna (Certificate),
  • October 28 to November 21, 2008. Management of information technology in the public sector - Malaysia - (IT initiatives, IT security, the national IT strategy, IS Strategic Planning, E-learning, project management, IT research industry, e-government system, knowledge management, Open Source Policy and Implementation ) - Intan (National Institute of Public Administration) (Certificate),
  • 22-23.09.08. Preparation-writing projects for obtaining grants for cross-border cooperation, CBIB - Cross Border Institution Building (cross-border partnerships, preparing for a public invitation, Application Pack, the logical framework approach, stakeholders, problem analysis, intervention logic, indicators, budget, activities, analysis) (Certificate),
  • 11.09.2008. Effective management of meetings, (preparation of meetings, planning their own role, taking out the sound conclusions, understanding group dynamics of the meeting, control and progress meetings, monitoring meetings and taking appropriate action) (Certificate) Speaker: Clement De Souza, National School of Administration in the UK, Training for instructors in the state administration, the National School of Administration in the UK (design training needs analysis for training, presentation skills, evaluation of training, facilitation skills, etc.) (Certificate),
  • ECDL Core (all 7 modules) (The European Computer Driving License) (certificate),
  • United Nations (UNPAN - Public Administration Network) E-GOVERNMENT (Certificate),
  • Time Management Training, National School of Administration in the UK (Certificate),
  • Microsoft Training: Implementation of MS SQL Server 2005 database - IT Professional (Certificate),
  • Job Analysis Training, UNDP (Certificate),
  • EU Training (European Union for specialists), UNDP (Certificate),
  • Business Interview Skills Training, DFID (Certificate),
  • Professional examination for work in the government, (the constitutional system of BiH, RS, Fundamentals of systems of governance BiH / RS, administrative procedure and administrative dispute, Principles of labor relations, office operations in the organs of administration, financing of the institutions of BiH, RS, Principles of European Integration ) (Certificate),
  • Training, integration and user training for systems with computer telephony, Logos-tel (Certificate),
  • Training: Designing and implementing computer networks, Amber software (Certificate),
  • Microsoft Course: Computer Networks and Administration, Logos-link company (Certificate),
  • Microsoft Course: Active Directory Logos-link company (Certificate),
  • Training: database programming in MS Access, Logos-tel (Certificate).

Study Visits

  • Attendance at the "Mobility Day 2013" conference - Zagreb, 2013.
  • Attendance at the SAP Forum in Belgrade under the slogan "Experience the future of business," Serbia 2013.
  • Attendance at the world's leading high-tech event showcasing digital IT and telecommunications solutions CeBIT, Hannover, Germany, 2013.
  • Attendance at the IOTA conference - Topic: Innovative Approaches to Managing Business Processes within Tax Administrations, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
  • Study visit to SAP central: Workshop at Walldorf, Germany, 2012.
  • Attendance at the Microsoft conference: MS Sinergy “Moving up” in Belgrade, Serbia, 2012.
  • Team member from B&H at DebConf10 in New York City, USA, 2010.
  • Study visits to Cyber Security Malaysia, 2008.
  • Data Center Management MAMPU, 2008.
  • Road Transport Department, 2008.
  • Telekom Malaysia, 2008.
  • Immigration Department, 2008.
  • University Technology Malaysia, 2008.
  • Distribucija vode i gasa Malaysia, 2008.
  • Tanjug Pelepas Port, Johor.) in Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, 2008.
  • Study visit to National School of Government in United Kingdom (training of trainers), 2007.
  • Study visit to Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration and Administration Academy (Ljubljana), 2007.

Commendations & Awards

  • Laud for achievement in information system implementation for a commercial company (Logos-tel).
  • Reward for good work - Telecom of the Republic of Srpska (participation in sports at Jahorina - sports disciplines: the withdrawal of the rope)


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  • članke na temu nauke i tehnologije,
  • eBiblioteku, preporuke,
  • članke iz života i stila i
  • promociju potencijala Republike Srpske.

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