If you want to learn why Agile Fails and to find answers to these questions:

  1. Why agile fails,
  2. Why Agile Projects Fail,
  3. Why Agile Fails in Large Enterprises,
  4. How Agile Fails in Practice,
  5. Why Agile is Failing in Large Enterprises,
  6. Why Agile Transformations Sometimes Fail,
  7. Why Agile fails: its dark side and how to avoid it,
  8. Why Agile Often Fails: No Agreed Metrics,
  9. Key Reasons Why Agile Projects Fails,
  10. Brilliant ways to fail with Agile,
  11. Why 47% of Agile Transformations Fail!,
  12. Reasons Why Agile App Development Fails and How to Fix It,
  13. Why Agile Teams Fail,
  14. How to Fail with Agile,
  15. Waterfall vs. Agile - Why do projects fail?

Stay with me, in this video, we will cover most of these things.

Complete Agile and Scrum Program for Product Owner and Scrum Master: https://www.whatisscrum.org/ 

How to learn Scrum for FREE? https://youtu.be/yVv2L85cMkQ 

Subscribe to this YouTube channel HERE: http://bit.ly/dejanYouTube​​ 
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/agileandscrummasterclass 

#agile #scrum​​​ #whyagilefails


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